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Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

According to Brian Tracy, Entrepreneur - Professional Speaker, Best Selling Author & Success Expert, “Delegation is one of the most important and effective management skills".

It is imperative that you delegate. There are many reasons that this is true – if you don’t, you are not making the best use of your time, it helps others on your team grow and develop, and it makes your subordinate feel like an important member of the team. Dr. Scott Williams of Wright State University, says “Delegation can also be a clear sign that you respect your subordinates’ abilities”. Delegating tasks solidifies the team and creates an atmosphere of trust.

Rather than get bogged down with tasks that you can delegate, take the time to work with a subordinate and delegate. When delegating, be sure to:

· State your goals – sharing your goals is the best way to get team members to help you reach them!

· Set the standards – be sure to explain what is required for completion of the task and any particular “how to’s”

· Make sure you have set a deadline for completion of the task.

· Let this person know that they can come back to you if they have a problem or need support

· Be sure to CHECK BACK – if this is a long project, be sure to check in on the progress of the project, keep your team member on track and motivated

· When the work is completed, be sure to give credit and recognition to those who accomplished the task.

As scary as the idea of delegation is to a business owner/operator, it is well worth working through the fear and reaching your goals!

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