Sometimes being the boss is difficult. You like your employees, you want to be their friend. But you also have to make sure your company runs like a fine oiled machine. This is a fine line to walk.
Keep in mind that a great boss is a good LEADER. It is important to ensure your employees are doing their jobs correctly and when they aren't, you have to call them on it. This doesn't mean you have to embarrass them in front of their co-workers, yell at them or belittle them.
It means you have to calmly let them know that you know they aren't completing the tasks their job requires. Point out what is lacking, ask them if they know how to do the job the way you expect. You may need to teach them the correct way to complete these tasks (or delegate that to a qualified trainer), You may find that they have a legitimate reason for not being able to what is expected.
The most important thing here, is to let your employees know you are aware of what is happening. Your employees need a clear understanding of expectations and they need to know you will take action when the expectations are not being met.
Follow through, my friends, is the key to being a great boss. Don't just act "like a boss" be the boss!