When thinking of what advice I would give to those new to management, or anyone trying to find solutions with employee management, the first thing I thought of was "Be Genuine". According to Webster, the definition of Genuine: sincerely and honestly felt or free from hypocrisy or pretense. Allow yourself to enjoy what you do, let your positive energy guide you and your interactions throughout the day.
Do you have a hobby or sport you enjoy? Did you notice that when talking about that hobby or sport your voice changes, your energy is lifted, you smile when you talk? That is what I mean when I say, "Be genuine".
When you are happy and sure of yourself, you become more likeable and trustworthy. Cialdini teaches us that when people like us they are more easily persuaded. In other words; be firm and fair, sure of yourself and positive, and your employees are more likely to respect you and follow your rules. They will want to "go to battle" to help reach your goals!
In the customer service industry, being genuine is extremely important. Customers want to deal with people they trust. They can sense when you care about what you are selling and who you are selling it to. They want to help you by buying from you, they want to like what you like.
Test my theory out- I promise, only good things will come from it!